Microprocessor Peripheral ICs
A microprocessor is typically used with a number of peripheral integrated circuit (IC) devices (such as serial interface, parallel input-output device, interrupt controller, disk drive controller, etc.). In many cases, a microprocessor manufacturer supplies a family of peripheral ICs that works best with its microprocessors. Because microprocessors are used in many types of products, these peripheral ICs also need to be flexible enough to be used in many types of products.
Microprocessors are the heart of an appliance thus the peripheral ICs used should be compatible to the design needs specified by the engineers. Engineers prefer online search of microprocessor peripheral ICs, as it’s less time consuming and facilitates comparisons between the features of products by different companies.
When the potential buyers have already shifted to use search engines and websites, like ours, offering one-stop solution to search needs, holding back yourself to geographical boundaries or your own website is not a pragmatic outlook business development.
Nowadays it is important to make the buyers feel the presence of your products and hence getting connected to a network with wider reach to the target audience is as effective as a good online marketing advertisement.
Our network is an interlinked chain of microprocessor peripheral IC’s manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors offering microprocessor peripheral ICs for online sale through online catalogs.
Microprocessor peripheral IC’s, on our website, are categorized into three different categories; which are:
1. IO Port Extension
- 3-Bit/8-Bit /11-Bit/12-Bit/16-Bit/20-Bit/24-Bit Serial In Parallel Out
- Hysteresis Input (0.5V typ)
- Operating Voltage (5V±10%)
- Maximum Operating Frequency (5MHz and more)
- Output Current (25mA)
- C-MOS Technology
2. RTC:
- Low Operating Voltage (3.0V ± 20%
2.0V to 5.5V
(The clock operation))
- Low operating current (0.8 μA (Typ.) at 2.0V
2.0 μA (Max.) at 2.0V)
- BCD Counts of Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days of Week, Date, Month and Year
- Two Models:- Required only 3-port (DATA,CLK and CE) and 4-port Required only (DATA,CLK,CE and I/O)
- Low Battery Detector (Low voltage alarm signal output)
- Automatic Leap Year Compensation (Up to AD 2099)
- C-MOS Technology
- Package Outline (VSP8/Chip)
3. RS-232C
- Based on the RS232C Standard
- 3 Drivers and 5 Receivers/3-Drivers and 3- Receivers/2-Drivers and 2- Receivers models
- Low Operating Current
- Driver Output Voltage (±25V)
- Receiver Input Voltage (±27V)
- Output Impedance at Power-off (Driver) (300Ω (Min))
- Slew Rate (Driver) (30V/μs (Max))
- TTL-compatible Inpout (Driver)
- TTL-compatible Inpout/Output (Receiver)
- Hysteresis Input (Receiver)
- Noise Filter On-chip (Receiver)
- Package Outline (DIP/DMP20)
- C-MOS Technology